The floor leveling continues! The main floor is now nearly complete.
Floor leveling underway
Structural challenges and scope changes
Our house has a balcony above the old kitchen. It’s a small but cool feature that we hoped to make use of one day. The roof of our house is supported by its walls, and in this case, the outside wall lands in the middle of what was our old kitchen.
Demo progress
Phase two has begun!
Addition is nearly complete
The addition is nearly complete, aside from a few minor points. The plan is for it to be completely done by the end of next week, at which point phase two will commence!
The momentous change this week is the new hole into our addition.
Kitchen updates – plumbing, panels, trim, hood, tile, electrical – whew!
There are a lot of updates to report on the addition.
We have plumbing fixtures! We have panels! We have (some) trim! We have a tile backsplash! We have light!

Continue reading “Kitchen updates – plumbing, panels, trim, hood, tile, electrical – whew!”
The roof is done
At long last, the roofer has finished our roof, gutters, and downspouts. Here is a brief chronology:
About one year ago, last February, we had some terrible ice dams and roof leaks. We signed the contract with the roofer in March. The roofing project began in June. The second floor roof was completed in August. Significant progress was made in September and October.
Yesterday, Friday January 18, 2019, was the epic conclusion of our 10-month-long roofing and gutter project. Yes, believe it or not, the project took exactly 300 days to complete.
Countertop installation
Few things are more dramatic than seeing countertops installed after a long, problematic, over budget, and delayed construction project.
Appliance arrival and installation progress
Our builder made a lot of progress preparing for appliance installation, which included installing water and gas valves, electrical circuits, and protecting some floors.
Continue reading “Appliance arrival and installation progress”