Work had been progressing at a good pace.
The street, driveway, and yard were patched and repaired after the water service was upgraded.
Orth House II Renovation blog
Work had been progressing at a good pace.
The street, driveway, and yard were patched and repaired after the water service was upgraded.
This morning, I met with our contractor and electrician to finalize the placement of can lights, switches, and outlets. We had done all of this in detail in the blueprint phase, which was an incredibly helpful process, but there are always a few tweaks.
One of the things I’ve realized is that internal structure (framing, joists, ductwork, etc.) can obstruct ideal placement.
The carpenters returned last week and have virtually completed the basement framing work. The plumbing rough-in is also nearly complete. Electrical work should begin next week.
This week, I feel like the details of this project are starting to get away from me. I’m very particular about things, so it is frustrating to see errors and have to deal with them (or learn to accept them).
I’ve looked at many houses over the years, and know a good renovation from a sloppy one. Since starting the project, I’ve been determined to do everything I can to make sure this is a good one. That means all the details must be handled just right.
The concrete contractor finally returned on Friday, March 23rd with a break in the cold weather, and they finished pouring the concrete for the final underpinning section and the slab. They had to cut some holes on the side of the addition so they could get their concrete chute through.
We are now officially into the 6th month of the project. After our village issued the work permit on August 17th, 2017, we applied for a parking permit on September 15th, 2017 when it appeared work was imminent. Our house is walking distance to two schools, and there are street parking restrictions as a result.
Our driveway is long and narrow, and only wide enough to accommodate a single car. Since the contractors can’t park on the street, the driveway is their only option. The parking permit allows us to park our car on the street when contractors are using our driveway.
That permit was good for six months, and the police officer we received it from told us to return to have it renewed. When we returned last week, the police department denied the renewal. Maybe it was just a bad day, or maybe a neighbor has been complaining. Who knows.
Continue reading “6 month update – parking, roofing, and rot, oh my!”
I returned home from work today to find the transformer installed. It is quite an enormous beast.
Progress over the past two weeks has been considerable.
The framing of the addition is nearly complete. The carpenters are nearly finished with the roof. For the first time, we are able to see the true size and character of the addition.
Despite the snow and cold, the carpentry got underway last week, and we finally have some visible progress again.